Dario Milani
Dario Milani is an aerospace engineer with a specialization in Aerodynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Dario has always been attracted by the beauty and the complexity of the nature, which never cease to inspire him.
During his first years in research, Dario developed numerical methods to compute the aeroelastic behavior of long slender structures e.g. Bridges and Skyscrapers. Also, as part of his doctoral studies, Dario developed a Wind Tunnel facility at the Bauhaus University, which can be used now to investigate the effects of wind on models of real structures such as bridges and buildings.
Because of his passion for research Dario Milani founded a group, the DM-AirTech group, where “research activities point to the right direction and not necessarily the one that current market opportunity offers”. In parallel, Dario is working full time in the aerospace industry, where he enjoys the opportunity to contribute to the development of technologies with positive impact on the life of people.