Burhan Ciçek, Marcel Ebert, Stephan Schütz
Rainer Gumpp, İpek Durukan (Hg.)
Collaborative Proposals for energy-efficient Architectures
Traditional Mediterranean buildings are provided with characteristics that adapt them very well to local conditions. Through simple and effective methods, they protect against climatic influences like sun or heavy rainfall. In addition, they offer a high standard of living and sustainability. This publication presents the results of an interdisciplinary project, whose participants were students and experts from Turkey and Germany. In terms of content, crucial concerns are architectural types, material technology and energy demand, which are quantified and evaluated by means of modern computer-based logarithms. The intensive analysis of geographic, climatic, historical-architectural and social issues generated interesting concepts, which contribute their share to the current debate on resource-saving and material-appropriate construction. Furthermore, they bring traditional building techniques back into awareness.